(Photo) Leah Nieuwenhuizen 5 years (USA)
Ron Nieuwenhuizen was born in 1946, in the Zuiderpark area of
The Hague. His father was a photographer by day and a musician
at night. As early as 8 years old, Ron was engaged with
photography, using a Kodak box-Zenith mirror reflex, coloring
photographs, and dokuworks. He completed his trade education,
and finished his training in publicity type setting and off-set
printing. Ron started his career in screen printing with Corni,
the family business, working alongside his father and mother.
At the age of 27, Ron changed careers by joining UniFix, a
wholesale company specialized in fasteners and fixers. In 1978,
Ron co-founded Borgh, B.V., where he was responsible for Sales
and Marketing. On his 54th birthday, he retired and
furthered his passion in photography, with technical support
from studio Piet Jacobson, as well as photographer and
illustrator Michael Toner.
As a young photography enthusiast, Ron subscribed to photo
magazine Focus at an early age, and later added magazines such
as The Photographer, Eyemazing, and Zoom. From 1986 to 1995, Ron
enrolled in several painting courses, primarily working with oil
paintings. In 1990, he became the court photographer of Carnival
Group De Jolige Druif in Wateringen. As a hobby photographer,
Ron completed projects for Market-Select, BirdDog Solutions, VMV
Network Notaries Wateringen, MVM Van Malkenhorst Realty, and Het
Feesthuis in Wateringen.
Although still a big fan of his analog Nikon and Hasselblad
cameras, Ron switched over to digital in 2001, using a Nikon
D100 and Nikon D2X. This enabled Ron to embark on a new era of
photography, as he launched his own online gallery in 2001,
www.ronnieuwenhuizen.com. The site currently averages 5,000
visitors per year across 86 different countries.
Ron’s work can now be found in magazines, books, newspapers, and
Internet sites. In 2007, Ron provided all the images in the book
Monumentaal Westland in coordination with Genootschap Oud
Westland. Current projects include expositions for Jeanne
Dieleman, which can be seen between 1 February, 2009 until 1
May, 2009, at practice Chiropractie Brussee. In addition, Ron’s
work can be seen at an exhibition at Chris van Waes Antique, Jan
Barendselaan 66 in Poeldijk during the month of April, 2009.
Photographs for the book
Geschilderd door de Eeuwen heen, published by Maarten van der
can be seen at an exhibition in the
Prinsenhof in Delft, from
17 December, 2010, until 15 March, 2011.

ロンNieuwenhuizen 1946年のハーグのZuiderpark事項生まれ。
His father was a photographer by day and a
musician at night.
As early as 8 years old, Ron was engaged with
photography, using a Kodak box-Zenith mirror
reflex, coloring photographs, and dokuworks.
早ければ 、 8
歳、ロン写真、ゼニスは 、
コダックのボックスを使用して従事していた、写真着色、反射鏡とdokuworks 。
He completed his trade education, and finished
his training in publicity type setting and
off-set printing.
彼は 、彼の教育の取引を完了し
広報でのトレーニング 、
Ron started his career in screen printing with
Corni, the family business, working alongside
his father and mother.
ロンCorniスクリーン印刷でのキャリアをスタート、家族 、
At the age of 27, Ron changed careers by joining
UniFix, a wholesale company specialized in
fasteners and fixers. 27
歳のとき、ロンUnifix 、卸売会社のファスナーを専門と修正に参加してキャリアを変更した。
In 1978, Ron co-founded Borgh, BV, where he was
responsible for Sales and Marketing.
1978年、ロン共同Borgh 、書籍、ここではセールス&
On his 54 th birthday, he retired and
furthered his passion in photography, with
technical support from studio Piet Jacobson, as
well as photographer and illustrator Michael
彼の54 番目の誕生日で、彼は退職し
As a young photography enthusiast, Ron
subscribed to photo magazine Focus at an early
age, and later added magazines such as The
Photographer, Eyemazing, and Zoom.
Eyemazing 、ズームなど。
From 1986 to 1995, Ron enrolled in several
painting courses, primarily working with oil
1986 1995まで、ロン 、
In 1990, he became the court photographer of
Carnival Group De Jolige Druif in Wateringen.
1990年、彼は陽気なカーニバルグループぶどうWateringenでは 、
As a hobby photographer, Ron completed projects
for Market-Select, BirdDog Solutions, VMV
Network Notaries Wateringen, MVM Van Malkenhorst
Realty, and Het Feesthuis in Wateringen.
BirdDogソリューション、ネットワークVMV公証人Wateringen 、 MVM
Although still a big fan of his analog Nikon and
Hasselblad cameras, Ron switched over to digital
in 2001, using a Nikon D100 and Nikon D2X.彼のアナログカメラニコンとHasselbladの大ファンはまだだが、ロンデジタルに
This enabled Ron to embark on a new era of
photography, as he launched his own online
gallery in 2001,
www.ronnieuwenhuizen.com .
The site currently averages 5,000 visitors per
year across 86 different countries.
このサイトは 、
現在86カ国で年間 5000人の訪問者の平均。
Ron’s work can now be found in magazines, books,
newspapers, and Internet sites.
In 2007, Ron provided all the images in the book
Monumentaal Westland in coordination with
Genootschap Oud Westland.
Current projects include expositions for Jeanne
Dieleman, which can be seen between 1 February,
2009 until 1 May, 2009, at practice Chiropractie
In addition, Ron’s work can be seen at an
exhibition at Chris van Waes Antique, Jan
Barendselaan 66 in Poeldijk during the month of
April, 2009. Photographs for the book
Geschilderd door de Eeuwen heen, published by
Maarten van der Schaft
, can be seen at an exhibition in the
Prinsenhof in Delft, from
17 December, 2010, until 15 March, 2011.
のクリスヴァンWaesアンティーク、 Barendアベニュー66 1月2007年4月の展示会では、
を通じて 、
Schaft 、塗装写真を公開
、 2010年12月17日から